
Adorebits was contacted by a major U.S. real estate company, which was eager to design a strong Property Management System (PMS) that would help in streamlining the management of real estate properties, enhancing tenant satisfaction, and automation processes accordingly. The central objective of the client was to centralize the management functionality and to reduce operational costs as well as to keep management smooth over different locations. This will improve efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and reduce manual intervention through the automation and enhancement of workflows.


.NET, C#, SQL, Azure, Kubernetes


United States

Project Attributes


Property Management System (PMS)

Engagement Model

Time and Material


Ongoing since 2 years

App Users

Property managers, tenants, maintenance teams, administrative staff



    • The Fragmentation of Data and Complex Management: Data was spread
      across various systems. Data management was a time-consuming and
      error-prone process. The client required a system that could host all the
      information in a central place, thereby making it more accessible to the property
    • Delays in Maintenance and Tracking Issues: The system uncoordinated never
      showed prompt responses towards the maintenance requests. This was needed
      with proper tracking and prioritization to tackle the timely responses towards the
    • No Real-Time Updates For Tenants: There was a poor visibility of status about
      their maintenance request or any billing updates for the tenets, which resulted in
      dissatisfaction time and property managers took to sort through multiple
      messages. As the business scaled up, the customer needed improved resource
      management and scalable solutions to manage increasing property portfolios
      and increasing data loads.


    • Centralized Repository with Cloud Integration: Adorebits created a
      centralized PMS using Azure as its backbone. Such integration makes data
      management smoother by eliminating redundant tasks dealing with multiple
    • Automated Maintenance Request Workflow: Thus, a streamlined request
      management system was made, and the tenants could place their requests
      directly through the PMS. The system automatically evaluated the request using
      its workflow and categorized it in terms of its urgency so that the response time
      could be lessened and the level of satisfaction increased among the tenants.
    • Real-Time Notifications for Tenants: Adorebits utilized real-time notifications
      and made sure that the tenant is informed about the maintenance requests
      status, about the changes in their billing amount, and about the reminder for their
      lease so that the experience of the tenants can be completely improved, and at
      the same time, the burden on the communication aspect can be lessened to half
      for the property managers.
    • Scalable Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure: The company utilized the facilities
      of Kubernetes to ensure that the PMS was highly scalable. It made the system
      expand dynamically to the demands that would make it robust even during peak
      loads of users.


  • Optimization of Operations: Data centralization cut admin overhead by 30%. They were free from the arduous task of data entry jobs.
  • Tenant Satisfaction Increased: Tenants satisfaction increased by 25% because of quicker responses to the maintenance requests.
  • Average Time for Maintenance Reduced: Automated tracking and prioritization helped reduce the average time for maintenance by up to 40%.
  • Scalability for Future Growth: The Kubernetes-based setup provided a scalable environment that could handle the increased demand of the system.


Adorebits PMS solution helped match the objectives of the client while transforming the property management processes, which served as an excellence benchmark for efficiency and tenant satisfaction in the real estate industry.

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